Debidwar Upazila

Debidwar Upazila (comilla district) with an area of 238.36 sq km, is bounded by muradnagar upazilas on the north, chandina upazila on the south, burichang and brahmanpara upazilas on the east, Muradnagar upazila on the west. Main rivers are gumti and Buri.

Debidwar (Town) consists of two mouzas. Its area is 4.32 sq km. The town has a population of 9782; male 52.32% and female 47.68%; population density per sq km 2264. Literacy rate among the town people is 56.9%.

Administration Debidwar thana was established in 1915 and was turned into an upazila in 1980. The upazila consists of 16 union parishads, 141 mouzas, 201 villages.

Historical events On 31 March 1971, in an encounter with the Pak army on the Comilla-Sylhet highways 33 Bangalis were killed.

Marks of War of Liberation Mass grave 1.

Population 336877; male 50.33%, female 49.67%; Muslim 93.24%, Hindu 6.5% and others 0.26%.

Religious institutions Mosque 451, temple 27, tomb 9.

Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 35.1%; male 43.65%, female 26.5%. Educational institutions: college 9, high school 43, madrasa 29, government primary school 120, non-government primary school 37, low cost school 18 and satellite school 17. Noted educational institution: Debidwar Reazuddin High School (1918).

Cultural organisations Club 57, theatre group 1 and press club 1.

Main occupations Agriculture 53.68%, commerce 10.12%, service 10.09%, agricultural labourer 13.75%, wage labourer 1.6%, transport 2.8% and others 7.96%.

Land use Total cultivable land 16179.68 hectares; fallow land 1075 hectares; single crop 3.75%, double crop 41.27% and treble crop 54.98%.

Land control Among the peasants 18.38% are landless, 25.31% marginal, 31.15% small, 23.68% intermediate and 1.48% rich; land per head 0.15 hectare.

Value of land The market value of the land of the first grade is 17000 Taka per 0.01 hectare.

Main crops Paddy, wheat, potato, mustard seed, brinjal, betel leaf, cauliflower and cabbage.

Extinct or nearly extinct crops Sesame, tobacco, jute, peanut, kaun, varieties of pulses.

Main fruits Guava and litchi.

Fisheries, dairies, poultries Fishery 7, dairy 5, poultry 30.

Communication facilities Roads: pucca 38.31 km, semi pucca 20 km, mud road 450 km; waterways 14 nautical mile.

Traditional transport Palanquin, bullock cart, horse carriage. These means of transport are either extinct or nearly extinct.

Manufactories Jute mill 4, cold storage 3, ice factory 5 and brick field 7.

Hats, bazars and fairs Total number of hats and bazars are 26, most noted of which are Dighirpar, and Rasulpur Hat; fairs 3, most noted of which is Ponra Mela.

Main exports Betel leaf, potato, cauliflower, fish, milk and jute goods.

NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are brac, asa, grameen bank, Pages, nijera kari, Vitamin A Project, Agro Care, Speed and SDA.

Health centres Upazila health complex 1, family planning centre 12 and CMH unit 1.